SynergEyes In Focus Blog

Think "Out of the Box" and Personalize Your MultiFocal Fits

Written by Lynette Petre | Oct 1, 2019 11:30:00 PM

By Jeffrey Sonsino, O.D., F.A.A.O.
Let’s face it.  Patients often complain about their vision with the standard, currently available, off-the-shelf soft multifocals. Why? Decentration is often the culprit in soft lenses, but sometimes it is simply the “mushy” optics of soft lenses. Until something better comes along, our patients have been just silently suffering.

Then, there is the elephant in the room. You have spent three visits crafting a multifocal fit, for the standard vision plan contracted rate for contact lens evaluation. The patient is finally 20/happy and says, “thanks doc for all of your hard work. I found the lens $2 cheaper per box online.” So, you have just lost the revenue that would have paid for your multiple visits with that patient.

There is a better way and my practice has been using it for years. When patients realize that you are customizing a contact lens strategy just for them, it breeds a different type of patient: one who is loyal, listens to your recommendations on care regimen, follows-up with you on an annual basis, and who truly values the service you provide. The Big 4 have trained many of our colleagues to just reach for a widget from their tray of widgets, put it on the eye, and have the patient adapt into their lens. So, patients have understandably responded by not valuing the process or the product.

We design our multifocal lenses based on the patients’ personal characteristics: pupil size, keratometry, power, and scleral anatomy. We use Duette Progressive lenses as our first line treatment for presbyopia. Why? Because patients understand this lens has value.  It has the GP optics that breed better vision. It has the customizability to vary optic zones based on pupil size or even swap center near for center distance optics if needed.  It has the skirt curve to modify the centration of the lens (which, by the way, we order in medium skirt curve 95% of the time with success). And it has the practice benefits that breed a more valuable patient.

On the first visit, we explain to the patient that we have a strategy that has proven successful time and time again. We take Ks, pupil size, HVID and refract. We then use the Duette Calculator to empirically design lenses and schedule the patient for a 2 week dispensing appointment. On dispensing, we have a high success rate right from that first lens, but sometimes need to troubleshoot. If you are unfamiliar with the troubleshooting, lean on the SynergEyes consultation team. They are top notch. But, I bet after your first 15 fits, you will have the troubleshooting down to a science.

So, the ultimate question is where do you see your practice going in the next 5 years? Do you envision working with a partner that provides individual lens design, a comprehensive consultation team and a lens that will add value to the patient experience and your bottom line? If your answer is yes, then look into SynergEyes. Let’s bring the focus back to every patient having the best vision possible through individually customized lenses. Because all eyes are unique. Offer your patients a lens that meets their individual needs.

By Jeffrey Sonsino, O.D., F.A.A.O.