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Clear Vision Blog


SynergEyes Clear Vision Consumer Blog

At SynergEyes, we pride ourselves in delivering contact lens products that improve vision and ultimately enhance the quality of everyday life.

This blog is geared towards our contact lens wearers and covers broad topics like eye health and eye diseases as well as helpful articles on the handling and care of SynergEyes lenses like Duette and UltraHealth.

Protect your Eyes: Everyday Steps to Sun Safety

While most of us understand that sunscreen is an important part of healthy outdoor living, we need to pay more attention to how the sun affects eye health.


I have astigmatism. Why is it so hard to see at night?

If you have astigmatism, you know that seeing well at night can be a challenge. Why is that?

The problem starts with the shape of your cornea, or the front of your eyeball.


Can I Wear Contacts If I Have Astigmatism?

Yes, you can wear contacts if you have astigmatism.

There are several different contact lens designs for people that have astigmatism.


What to expect the first time you wear multifocal contacts

Multifocal contact lenses make it possible for you to once again see better up close, far away and everywhere in between.


Duette Multifocal Contact Lenses

Duette Multifocal are dual-material multifocal contact lenses that provides great vision from every point of view.


Corneal Cross Linking

Corneal cross linking with riboflavin (CXL) is a developing keratoconus treatment that is currently undergoing FDA clinical trials in the United States.


The Crucial Years for Protecting Your Eye Health

This Wall Street Journal article talks about eye health …. beyond the crow’s feet and wrinkles.It provides an overview of the turning points in eye health from youth to seniors. And, it discusses how lifestyle choices like spending time outdoors, working on the computer and taking vitamins can affect eye health


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